By Lantern Light Tarot & Custom Candle Experience
By Lantern Light Tarot & Custom Candle Experience
By Lantern Light Tarot & Custom Candle Experience
Laughing Bat

By Lantern Light Tarot & Custom Candle Experience

Regular price $165.65 $0.00 Unit price per

This unique experience combines the wisdom of the Tarot with the energy of a custom-made candle, specifically crafted to align with the insights revealed in your reading.

Tarot Reading: Valerie  will conduct a comprehensive reading for you, by delving deep into your questions, concerns, and desires, providing you with  insights, clarity, and guidance. 

Custom Handmade Candle: Following your reading, Valerie will create a unique and personalized candle infused with intention and energy to support the advice given in your reading. We carefully select high-quality, eco-friendly materials, including soy wax and beeswax fragrance oils, crystals, and botanicals, to craft a candle that resonates with your specific needs and intentions. The candle will be intuitively designed to enhance the positive energies revealed during your Tarot reading. 

Valerie will reach out to you via email to schedule your reading that will be conducted through zoom.

Turn around time frame for receiving your candle will be 2 to 3 weeks